Wednesday, December 30, 2009

对你有感觉...? - #6

无解的眼神心  像海底针
光是猜测  我食欲不振
有点烦人  又有点迷人
浪漫没天份  反应够迟钝
不够谨慎   花挑错颜色
但很矛盾   喜欢你的笨
微笑再美再甜  不是你的  都不特别
眼泪再苦再咸  有你安慰  又是晴天
靠的再近再贴  少了拥抱  就算太远
玩的再疯再野  你瞪一眼  我就收敛
马路再宽再远  只要你牵  就很安全
我会又乖  又黏温柔体贴  绝不敷衍
体贴却黏人  爱哭却温顺
有时天真   有时很邪恶
对你耍狠   就是舍不得
请吸收养分  让脑袋平衡
要你现身   动作慢吞吞
怎么承认   我非你不可
演唱 :飞轮海 & Hebe ^^

完了。。。完了。。。 >.<"" the sametime...Lord, I lift it up to You!!!

ps: somehow...year 2010 will be a better year...i can sense it/ smell it (haahahhaha)...and I know something GREAT will happen...??!!!

** one more day... Year 2010 will be here... another Great Year waiting ahead for us to capture... Need to plan well for it oredi...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dear Bloggy... - #5

Dear bloggy...

Times passes real fast...another few more days we will step into year 2010!!! Me had started this blog not long ago and I know that I haven't been updating it quite SOMETIMES *yeaaaaah~* In year 2010, I will try ma best to update it as often as possible ^^

Ok... I just wana express how was my day yesterday (Sunday) As usual morning is church services til noon... then went for lunch with our church projectionist teams *ehehehhe...* at Secret Recipe. Excellent time!

Then, went for 2nd appointment - meeting an old friend at Yoyo Lintas - Wilkins Lim.. has been a while not seeing him or hear from him after he started working in QE... I never knew that this place(Yoyo Lintas) is so packed with ex-All Saints' people!!! Just by sitting like every half-an hour time, you will meet someone familiar ... not bad...not bad...

At night, spent sometimes with my cousins - Alan & Elaine... we watched Avatar! Good movie though...but 3D lagi best kalao ada!!!

Yeaps... that's how i spent my Sunday...which will only happen occasionally... a timt to relax & relate with other ;)

Year 2010... I'm looking forward to you!!! Dear God... guide me too along the new year and also...another step closer to You, God...I pray too that I can meet my NEEDS in 2010 ^^